Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I can't believe it's been three months since I got on here(well now it's been 7 but this was so close to being finished that I just posted what I had!!)...This post will be to catch everyone up and to share some of my favorite pictures from the past three months. In no time my little peanut will be 1 year old!!! I really don't know where the time went! Well lets see if I can catch everyone us.

We had Emma's first Christmas which was a success in my book!

Emma and I got to spend a whole week in Brinkley with her grand parents and great grand parents!

I started a new job, got a new car and we both got a new matress!!

Emma turned 10 months

We all enjoied naked baby time!!

Alabama won another national championship...and Daddy couldn't be happier!!

Teething hit us in full force

I have a new helper with daily chores

Emma only wants to feed herself like a big girl

Emma turned 11 months old

We love to cruise around the house and JLH too!

Michael endured Bring it On the musical with me for Valentines Day

Emma had her first Valentines day and she made us a card!

Well that was a lot of photos and I didn't seem to finish this post...for another 4 months. :-( Lets see if I can get another one to update everyone from March - June up this week!

Be blessed!

1 comment:

the balentines said...

Yay! Really enjoy keeping up with you guys on here! Emma has been a busy girl!