Tuesday, July 24, 2012

16 months old!?!

I know we say it all the time but I REALLY don't know where the time went...Emma has hit the 16 month mark and that means just 2 more months until 18...and for Emma even more changes. Getting a photo of her with her sticker has become a game of "let me run around and put my back to you while you try to snap a photo" at the Wheeler house. Here are some of the better ones!!

Here Emma is "shaking her booty" as Daddy tries to get her to face the camera. 

And she is on the move again

Michael had drill so Emma and I were home alone with the puppies. We took advantage of the cooler mornings for some dog walking good times.

I was able to get one where they were all almost looking and smiling at the camera.

We swung in the swing with our razorback and teddy bear.

And had our first Chick-Fil-A.

 Sunday we  went to church but our teeth were really hurting so we missed most of the message

It was a passie day for sure and Brinkley looked a little cold so he got to wear Emma's woobie.

Later on there was more swinging and Brinkley was looking particularly regal! 

 Sunday dog walking with shades and a knee pop. :-)

And then off to school on Monday morning

This was a short week for Emma at school because grandmother was coming for a visit all the way from Alabama...more on that soon to come.

Be blessed!

1 comment:

dave and jenn said...

Sweet, sweet Emma! I can't believe she'll still wear headbands for you. I don't think Jade would tolerate that any more....

I love the picture of her with the dogs!

And my favorite has to be the one with her sunglasses! Does she keep them on easily?