Monday, August 1, 2011

Branson Trip

I had my first night away from my sweet little girl this past weekend. Mom and I went to Branson for three nights and it was wonderful!! We have been doing a girls trip every year since graduation from college...the first one! ;-) We have taken a cruise, a trip to a beach to plan my wedding, and Vegas and smaller trips to Little Rock and Memphis too.

Mom came up on Thursday and kept Emma while Michael and I went to dinner for our 6 year anniversary! I can't believe how quickly time has flown by!! It seems like just yesterday we were saying I do and now I am still spending my time with my best friend who made me a wife and most recently a mother!

Anyway back to present day. Right before we left for our dinner at Mesa Luna I got my anniversary present in the mail. I had seen a few friends with something similar and with all the expenses we've had lately I didn't even expect to get this but when I told Michael I wanted this he said DONE! Here are the pictures of each side.

Her birthstone is aqua marine and this way (as if I could ever forget) I will always have a reminder of all her stats in a beautiful piece of jewelry. byHannahDesign on Etsy was where I found this design and I am sooo very happy with it!  We had a wonderful dinner and Mom did great with Emma for those two hours. Maybe soon we will get to spend a whole night with NaNa keeping our beautiful little girl!

Mom and I left that night and had a great time laughing ALL the time and doing some prime shopping for Emma and even a little for us! ;-) Here are some pictures of me and Mom! I am such a lucky lucky gal!

Well looks like two of the pictures are upside down. :( and I still don't know how to rotate those guys but the point is we had some great time just mother and daughter and I can't wait to do it again next year. Mom has already started planning a Mediterranean Cruise but that will likely be many years down the road!

Now we are on our own for then next 55 days while Michael is in GA for some National Guard training. So far we are not sleeping too well thanks to a snotty nose

but we know that even that will pass! We made a trip to Rogers this morning to get Gabby's staples out from her surgery 2 Friday's ago. (she took the stitches out herself) And all is now right in our world. Next on my list of chores is go shopping!! If I don't I am going to be eating protein bars and Hormel meals for ever meal!! But even that will run out soon.

That is all for now! Have a blessed week!!


My Dear Gs... said...

Precious picture of her at the end! Hope her snottiness is over soon. :-)

the balentines said...

Let me know if you want to do another play date while Michael is out of town!

Laura said...

I feel like a terrible friend! I didn't realize you were updating your blog again. I've got months to catch up on! I added a link to our blog so I'll never miss another post.

And yes, I would love love love to hang out before we leave. At the very least we should meet up for a coffee break and lunch from time to time during the week.

Happy belated anniversary! And I love the gift Michael gave you!