Tuesday, August 9, 2011

BLOWOUTS...and other happenings

So we've made it through the first week without Daddy and by far the biggest issue we have struggled with is blowouts!!! Emma's ear infections seem to be gone but what is still here is diarrhea thanks to the antibiotics!! :-( Yesterday Emma had 4 blowouts at daycare and Mommy had to run to Target over lunch to get her some more onzies since she was kicking it in her diaper. Her little bottom is getting red so we are using diaper cream now at EVERY diaper change! One more day of antibiotics and hopefully back to normal poops.

Emma has also been being a super sweet girl and sleeping great. That could be the reason she is so happy in the mornings for her photos. She has now slept for 12 hours straight!! I remember thinking if she ever slept for 4 hours it would be a miracle and who knew that 5 months later I would be able to actually rest. This morning my little girl was hungry and woke me up at 4. I tried to pacify her with her passy but it wasn't going to happen so I heated up her bottle and she took 5 1/2 oz like it was nothing and just kept sucking. So I heated up another 1 1/2 and she downed that too!! She was up and in a good mood so I decided to take the time to do her 5 month photo shoot. Since she is normally such a smiley baby this is a new look for her...a little pensive but still happy. She worked with me for some shots and then decided that she was ready for a nap at 5:30. I just wish I had gone back to sleep too. :0)

The pups are ready for a cool down so that they can get their walks back. Right now it's just too hot for Emma to be out there and by the time it's cooled off Emma is asleep. So today I sat in the backyard and threw the ball for Brinkley and Gabby for an hour with the monitor out there with me. Sure the house can be cleaned and there are many things I should be doing but my furry babies need attention too! Maybe they can go to Dog Party USA tomorrow for a play day!!

And now for some shout outs!!! I have been blessed with some of the best friends a girl could ask for!! I always knew I was lucky but with Michael away the love is really pouring in from every direction. I know I can't name everyone who has offered to do ANYTHING I need but here are some that have been specific with offers... 

Elizabeth Smith who has two beautiful little ones of her own has offered to watch Emma for me while I do some shopping of if I just need a little break. She even said that since she has 2...one more should be easy!

Bethany Runyan comes and spends the evening with the two of us one night a week to break up the "alone" time for mommy. I know I am not alone here but with no discernible words from Emma just yet I could use a conversation partner and Bethany is great to just hang out with us...even if we are fussy!

Elizabeth Sullivan had us over for dinner last night and Brinkley and Gabby even got to go play in her backyard with Pickle (their four legged baby). She is doing her best to make sure that every dinner throughout the week doesn't consist of bread...(actual dinner when left to my own devises: 3 mini spring rolls, 2 mini sausage and biscuits, cinnamon raisin bagel) We had a perfect meal, the girls had fun talking to each other and I didn't have to feel guilty about not taking the pups on a walk. She even offered for me to come one night a week while Michael is gone!

And I saved the best for last Monica Russell has been amazing!! She is the best neighbor a girl could ask for!!! So far in the past month she has come over to watch Emma sleep at 11:00 PM while I was out of town and Gabby had started to pull her stitches out, she has not only invited me to dinner with her family but they also picked up my check, given me a tube of diaper rash cream that worked on her little one since mine wasn't doing the job, bought and brought me excidrine migraine when I realized that my prescription was out and my baby was sleeping and just today she brought me Cold Stone ice cream just because!!! WOW!!! 

And all I can say and THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!

I am blessed beyond measure!


dave and jenn said...

Yay! 4 1/2 months until I can sleep again! :)

We are happy to help too, if you need it. And you are welcome to bring Emma over to visit one evening!

My Dear Gs... said...

The picture of the dogs in front of Old Main is awesome! Christmas card? :-) Let me know if you want to take me up on my offer this Saturday. We'd be happy to have her for a few hours!!

Laura said...

Jill....just wanted to say that we struggled A LOT with ear infections during Parker's first year. No lie, he had his first one 4 months and then 6 more within the first year. He's allergic to penicillin and the alternative med caused diarrhea as well. He'd get such bad rashes, which made me feel terrible since he was already in pain from the ear infections. Long story short, there is a diaper cream concoction that Colliers makes. I don't know what it is but they can write you a prescription at NWA Peds (I assume since you mentioned Dr. Livingston that that's where yall go). Its like three creams in one and cleared up his tush in one day every time. You might want to try that if she continues to have a tough time. i am sorry....its hard when our babies hurt.

Also, I would be MORE than happy to come over and watch Emma as well while Michael's gone...selfishly it would be good practice for Parker to get to share time with me and another baby before his brother arrives. =) Please don't hesitate to call if you need to run errands or have something fun you want to do sans baby!

the balentines said...

I'm going to do the same as everyone else but please let me know if I can help out with Emma! Or if you just want to hang out, please let me know!