Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wonderful and wacky weather!

With all the sun shine and warmer temperatures we spent some much needed time out of doors this past weekend. Emma also got to attend her 1st Razorback sporting event. We went with our friend Elle but I think it is safe to say that Emma is NOT a fan of the Razorback just yet!

The night started off at Slim's and then the girls got to have a cupcake treat. They both loved it and so did the grownups!

I know Big Red so I thought I would get a quick snap shot...not so much!

You can see we were all wearing pink and nope that is not the new color. It was in support of Susan G Koman and it made your tickets $1 so we all got in the spirit! The first rotation was a nail biter!

Then came some lap time with Mrs. Whitney and some snacks.

Then we thought we would try one more time with Sue-E but that was NOT any better!

 Emma ended up watching where the razorback was rather than the meet but we left and all was well...or so I thought.

Michael had drill so it was a girls weekend and we were happy to have it! Michael had told Emma that he would send her a picture of him in his uniform and he did not forget.

Emma loves to tell me where everyone will go when we get up and on Thursday night she said Emma go to sleep and when she get up Mommy come get her and Daddy go to Army.

We made it to swim lessons and had a wonderful time. She has NO fear when it comes to jumping into the water and even going under. She is like a little fish and to celebrate we brought gold fish for a snack. Now I packed a lot in her snack trap thinking she might need to share with Jack Jack and that was a GREAT idea. The two of them ate and ate gold fish. Swimming really make you hungry for some snacks.

I am so excited about getting to go to my cousin Amber's wedding next month and after swim lessons we went and found a dress for the beach destination wedding. It will be at the Ritz in St. Thomas and I think it will be such a beautiful trip!!

We made our way back home and took a nap. The rest of the day was pretty chill but as I was laying Emma down she said this. "Emma go night night and when she wakes up Mommy come get you NO razorback come get you!" I guess she hadn't forgotten about that big scary razorback after all.

Sunday I had every intention of getting up an and then Sunday I woke up with a migraine. I tried some of the PT I have been doing for my neck and migraines but it didn't work so I took my new medicine. It is liquid and tastes awful but when Emma saw me take it she said "mommy take her medicine. nummy nummy" so I was forced to smile and say "yes mommy's medicine is yummy yummy" even though I wanted to gag! ;-)  It went away by around 10 and I was super happy because taking care of a little one, alone with a migraine on top of it all is tough!  It wasn't too cold but I went ahead and dressed her in her snow suite since she had on thin pants and a short sleeved shirt. The snow suite seemed to be a hit and we in turn hit the closest elementary school for a little playground time.

We were able to stay out there for almost an hour and then home for lunch and a nap.  Shortly after she got up from her nap Daddy got home and we all went to the Springdale Library and played at their park too!

We have noticed that Emma is eating A LOT more than normal so we are guessing it's a growth spurt. In the AM she has 3 breakfasts! Here you see a waffle, some muffin and she had finished a pouch while we were at home!

It also seems like we are going to have to give up the 18 mth shirts.  Pants are still the right length but the shirts just don't cover it anymore. :-)

In keeping with Emma's propensity for telling us what's going to happen when Emma wakes up she gave me this wonderful conversation.

What's that?
Daddy's making his coffee
The rest is one long sentence!!
Daddy get up and Emma get up and mommy come get you and mommy buckle up and Emma buckle up and Emma go swimming with jack jack and mommy go swimming with Emma and mommy go swimming with jack jack mommy and Emma eat da gold fish and Emma share da gold fish with jack jack and mommy go unabersity (university)

New news with me is that I borrowed a friends curling rod and though I didn't think I could make it work I did! :-) I was even lucky enough to get a free one of my own when I bought my hairdryer at Sallys!

I have found the key to be a flat iron/heat protect spay first and then the curls held all day. This from a person who's hair is flat by 8 after curling it with hot rollers in the morning.  :-)

Brinkley is also doing well. I took him in for his CBC and all his levels are great so we are keeping on with his chemo treatment for the lymphoma. After talking to his Oncologist I think that the best solution for his thyroid cancer is going to be surgery but as of today both myself and Dr. Lyon can no longer feel the tumor so for now it's a waiting game. The tumor acted more like a cyst when we did the biopsy so surgery might not be needed after all AND I have been praying like crazy for healing for Bman too so the answer could just be that God does answer prayers even for our fur babies! We continue to take one day at a time and just enjoy each day and the fact that he feels good.

Now just looking forward to another fun weekend but this time with Daddy home! :-)

Be blessed!

PS tonight's laugh was also provided by Emma. After eating homemade tomato soup I was rocking Emma and burped. Emma asked "what was that?" I said "mommy burped, excuse me." To which Emma replied "Emma burped with her bottom" :) I said "you did" and in her sleepy voice she replied "yeah"


JMDubya said...

Jones and Emma are meant to be, I think, what with their mutual love for cereal bars, swimming, and parks :o). I LOL'd at the Razorback story. Also, your hair looks awesome, and I totally feel you with the fine/flat hair issues. Lastly, I'm glad Brinkley is doing well :o).

dave and jenn said...

I love her conversations. They are adorable! Jade would probably scream if she saw the Razorback mascot too. Too bad, because they are cute for pictures!