Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valenties Day!!

This year I got a little too into crafting! But thankfully Emma didn't mind. :-)
We took advantage of a girls night this past Saturday to make Emma's Valentines cards for her class and her family.  

For her class

Grandparents and our keepsake

The grandparent pack! ;-)

After I had all the hand and feet prints that I needs I got out a canvas for Emma and she made a beautiful creation!

Bath time was super fun!

On Friday night Poppy came for a visit since he was surveying for a pivot in Dardanelle. We had a great dinner at Cracker Barrel and the next morning Michael and Trevor went hunting in Huntsville. Dad Emma and I went to Susan's for some breakfast and fellowship with Nicole and Logan. Food was delicious and the conversation was even better. We agreed that we have to hang out more in the future!!

After breakfast we were off to swim lessons with Jack Jack. When we got to the locker room we saw that Jack wasn't dressed and it was almost a crisis...Leah had forgotten his swimsuit!?! Luckily they had a little speedo in the lobby that while it was too small by 5-7 lbs it worked for the day!

See he wears it well! 

rocking the swim diaper after we were done!

We came home to nap and Poppy made his way back down the hill back to NaNa. After nap we took the pups for a walk and practiced some big bad wolf shot put!

School has been great this week but Emma's sleep patters have not. :-( Looks like she might be getting a little cold but nothing terrible. She has been waking up, cry for a bit then go back to sleep. Last night was an exception because at 2:30 after crying for a bit (the third time that night) she stood up in her crib and kept repeating "I want to get up Daddy, I want to get up Daddy, I want to get up Daddy..." Michael had to take one for the team and go in there. She told him again she wanted to get up but he reminded her gently that it was time, she said she wanted to lay down with daddy, and he told her she sleeps in her bed, she wanted to go sit on the couch and he told her it wasn't time to get up again and he said he would rock her for a minute if she wanted. She did and after a little over a minute he laid her back down and she went to sleep.  We are hoping this isn't the start to some not so good sleep habits.

Update on potty's non existent again. :-) Hopefully a little Bear and the Big Blue House "Potty Time" will help! I got the tip from my good friend Katie. I will keep you all posted on our success or lack there of.  Also speaking of Katie just realized that Emma will be 2 in less than a month so that means it's family photo time again. Katie has recently starting taking photos and I am going to see if she can capture some beautiful family moments when we go down for her little ones 2 year birthday! Check her out and if you are in Central AR give her a shout!

Brinkley is also still doing great! So happy and blessed by God for keeping the pain away from him while he does his treatments!!

And lastly of the new and exciting things going on with us. Elizabeth and I started a new Bible study this week!! A Woman of Wisdom by Dee Brestin is the study and we are looking forward to going deeper into God's word with this study on Proverbs.

That is all for now. Be blessed and see yall online soon!


1 comment:

dave and jenn said...

Wow! You have been crafty! Looks like Emma had a great time helping!