Thursday, December 16, 2010

Steady growig is key!

Emma has made her way into 24 weeks! She is putting on weight (about 4 ozs since last week) and she is now a little over a pound. She is also about a foot long...and that is close to a normal ear of corn
Her taste buds are continuing to develop and there are now "branches" of her respiratory "tree" in her little lungs! She is still sporting the translucent skin but I am told that too will change soon. ;-)

As for me, I now look like I am trying to smuggle a soccer ball under my shirt! ;-) I also had the glucose screening test on Monday and so far no news is good news. I am not sure how I feel about the whole...if there is something wrong we will call but if not we will just talk about it in a month!! That is a long time!!

I also had my first bout with sickness this week! I was fine on Monday and sometime during the night I caught a cold. That cold put me out of commission for 2 days and while I am now back to work...My head isn't all the way here. I am a fan of medication when I have a cold and the fact that I am restricted to most of the good stuff didn't help matters much. Luckily my puppies were super sweet and cuddled with me most of the day! They also got their picture taken with Santa!!
They were at Sugarbears in Fayetteville and they did such a good job! Later we tried to walk around the square to take a family photo but it was far to cold and windy for that!!

We are now one week from spending some much needed time with my family in Brinkley!! Can't wait to see everyone and celebrate my favorite holiday of the year...the birth of Christ!!

Have a blessed week and if I don't write...a very Merry Christmas!


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