Saturday, January 26, 2013

2013 is off to a start!

This month has had some highs and lows and I don't just mean the weather! Although WOW it's been odd. :-)

Emma has had some excellent bonding time with her Daddy and I and of course I pulled out the camera.

She's finally getting hair! REAL length and all! 

Helping Daddy cook is the best!

After we made the chocolate and pecan chess pie then it was off to biscuits. And a new found appreciation for self rising flower!!

In case you haven't tried it for's salty!

Squeezed in a wonderful play date with our good buddy Elle! 

The colder temperatures have not kept us inside too much! Here is a photo bomb from Brinkley and Gabby before a walk.

And Daddy's team won it's 75th national championship...after 10 I think they become less special. ;-)~

She couldn't stay up to watch the ending but she did sport her Bama jamas to bed! She has also helped Daddy repot plants and even had a Daddy daughter date at fun city while I went out for dinner with some girl friends!

Not to be outdone Mommy and Emma also went for chicken ad had some play time at Chick-Fil-A

We always talk about Mommy and Daddy's going to work and since I work at a school and Emma goes to a school I decided that calling my work the University would be better. Emma decided we needed a trip to "da unabersity" was just what today called for. That also worked out for me because some of my photos. :-)

I am guessing a proposal took place on campus yesterday! I took advantage of it! :-)

 Emma's been learnin all kind of fun life skills at school like how to put her coat gloves and pants on, scraping her plate when she is done eating, washing her hands before meals and using her words with her friends and teachers. She is working on color and shape sorting in the two photos below.

We sure missed Miss Haley over the break and when we got back we also got to meet a new teacher Miss Shayla since Miss Lauren was promoted to a lead teacher in another EP classroom! We will miss her but are so happy for her too.

We started our second round of swim lessons but it's soooo much better with the addition of Jack Jack. Since we knew we'd have a beau in the class we had to get a new swimsuit!

And the first day came

And the second week

But this week it was just us cause poor Jackson came down with strep.

Brinkley's last month has been some kind of month. I dub this photo below "I wish cancer never existed"

Resting on a pillow Mommy wasn't using

Enduring snuggle time with Emma!

More chemo, the lowest CBC ever and then the worst part was another biopsy on an additional lump I found on his neck. Turns out it is thyroid carcinoma. My sweet little boy now has the two worst types of cancer anyone can have. For now he still feels great except for the week after the doxarubicin injection at OSU so we will continue on that protocal but I am waiting on more information from his oncology doctor on what steps if any we look at for the thyroid. I am praying about it daily but one thing I think is set is that I will not put him through any more surgeries. I worry that the next time he is put under he might not wake up and I just don't think I am ready for that. 

Again he still acts like a young pup so after his chemo today we too a stroll around Old Main lawn. No squirrels to chase but there were lots of things to smell and sticks to chew!

And just so you don't think I have forgotten about Gabby here is a candid I got of her after a bit of grass in the backyard! ;-)

As for me and Michael...we've been good BUT I was sick for 2 weeks after Christmas. Emma's been to the doctor twice, had an ear infection that didn't go away with a week of antibiotic ear drops so now she is on oral antibiotics also we all seem to have a touch of some special stomach bug. :-D  Prayers for healing seems like a give-in for the winter months with a toddler. :-) No matter what is happening we know God is in control and we will make it through all of this!

Thanks for reading my ramblings and be blessed!!


PS and a naked curls photo to end the day!!


the balentines said...

I LOVE Emma's hair!! I'm sorry about Brinkley! I'll keep praying for him! Hope to see you guys soon!

dave and jenn said...

Poor sweet Brinkley! I will keep praying for him and for all of y'all! Emma's hair is coming in like CRAZY! Wow! And I love the pictures you took of her on campus.