Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'm a Mommy!!!! Help me welcome Emma Jean!

I just wanted to update those of you who aren't on facebook or haven't already heard...I'm a mommy!!

A week ago yesterday (4 weeks before she was due to arrive) Emma Jean made her début.

At 2:10 am my water broke and when I woke Michael up to tell him his first word out of his mouth was "shit!" ;-) We hadn't packed our bag yet, we hadn't figured out how to put her car seat in...we just had planned on doing the final "get ready" that weekend!

I called the hospital and they said that even though my contractions were irregular and still spaced far apart I needed to come in right then.

We got to the hospital at 4 (it took us a little to get going!) and I was 1 cm dilated and 80% effaced, got to a room by 5 and at 6 a sorority sister came in to give me my epidural! At 6:30 they checked me and I was 3 cm dilated and still 80% effaced. 10 o'clock came and though my doctor wasn't on call her husband was so she still came in to check on me and planned on being there when I delivered if I did during the day. I had only dilated to 4 cm at this time so she started the pitocin and we just waited... the next time my nurse came in to check on me it was 3 (she had another patient start to push at 1) and I was complete! We started pushing at 3:20 and at 3:55 my doctor came in and by 3:59 Emma arrived!!!

I was doing great until the last push and then I tore :-( All in all it was a great delivery!

Emma arrived March 9th weighing 6 lbs 2 ozs and a whopping 19 1/2 inches long. She was 4 weeks early (April 3rd was her projected due date) but she had no complications. They were happy to hear that her lungs were good...and as a matter of fact the pediatrician said "She doesn't know she is a preemie so we just won't tell her.)

We stayed 2 nights just to be on the safe side and then made our way home. Thank goodness I had my last two showers the weekend before and Mom helped me finish setting up her room by noon on Monday

It's been a great first week!! We went to our 5 day check up and she was perfect. She had even regained her birth weight and 1 oz. She is sleeping like an infant which means 2-3 hours at a time and eating like a champ!! Best of all our 4 legged babies are really taking well to the new addition to their pack. :-)

Here are some of the pictures from her first week!

Morning of March 10th

 Proud Daddy

Leaving the hospital

 Gabby and Brinkley meeting Emma for the first time

 A practice photo shoot with my friend Nicole Sudduth

 Another pic I took while Nicole had her set up!!

Well it's about time to fee again...have a very blessed day!!


Erika said...

Yay! Congrats!!! That's so great. can't wait to hear more stories of Ms. Emma Jean!

dave and jenn said...

Jill, she is precious! I'm so glad everything went smoothly for you and that she is perfectly healthy. You are looking great too, mama!