Friday, November 12, 2010

Exploding Babies...

Well not exactly exploding babies but this week our baby's sensory development is exploding! She is in there developing her senses of smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Right now I would venture that the taste, and vision part would be very dull but being able to see what is in front of her, touch her surrounds and even hear Michael and my voice seem pretty big!  She is growing bigger and bigger and so is my belly! I think I finally feel like I look pregnant and not like I have been drinking a little too much. ;-) Next week I will see if I can post a picture of me with the belly! :-)

I am still shocked and amazed that this little guy is 6 inches long and 8 1/2 ounces!! All of that is happening under my skin...GOD is AMAZING! If you are like me and enjoy the quarter is one for this week.

By the size of the shrinking quarter I can really tell that soon my baby is going to look like a small baby instead of fruits and veggies! ;-)

That's about all I know for now!

Have a blessed week!!!


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