Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Brinkley update

We got Brinkley's latest CBC results and all his levels were GREAT!! This means we will move forward with his next chemo treatment tomorrow.

On a sad note, for me at least, Brinkley's grooming appointment did NOT go as planned!! When I picked up Brinkley this is what I saw... I started crying because I've NEVER cut Brinkley's hair like this in his 8 1/2 years. He no longer looks like my Golden but instead a yellow lab. Not to knock any lab owners but I'm a golden owner and I love his hair, and it's Christmas, and he's got cancer... and I just cried. :(

I know it's just hair and it should grow back but on this post at least the good news outweighs the bad!

Be blessed,

1 comment:

dave and jenn said...

Awww, he is still very handsome! I can understand your sadness, though - he really does have beautiful hair. I'm glad he is responding well to treatment!