Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Back to work...and off to daycare!

I have been neglecting my blogging lately but I think I have a good excuse...babies take a lot of time!! ;-D

So since the last post Emma has passed the two month mark!  (see our photo shoot picture below!)

I have returned to work...

Emma had her first day of daycare...

It has been a whirl wind of the past few weeks!!! On Emma's 2 month we were spending a week with NaNa and Poppi in Brinkley. We got down there an hour before they closed I-40 East bound and Michael was right behind us with the National Guard. We were both in Eastern Arkansas but didn't see each other. Michael could not believe how much bigger Emma looked after being away from her for a week. The next week when I went back to work Michael's mom came up for a week from Birmingham to get more face time with baby Emma. We loved having Grandmother up!! Michael and I had a date night and two nights of uninterrupted sleep! And if that wasn't enough she and Michael did a ton of landscaping while Emma was sleeping! Now instead of a "bush" garden we actually have a "flower" garden!

This weekend we will have another first with Emma's first night in a hotel. Our friends Josh and Jamie are getting married in Texarkana this Saturday. Still trying to decide on the perfect outfit for her. Thankfully not many choices for me. :-)

Well I guess that catches us up a bit.

Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

dave and jenn said...

You look so good! I want to get together sometime and hear all about maternity leave and the daycare you've chosen!